Recently Pope Francis made a couple of affirmation in an impromptu press conference that made the headlines of all major news agencies. They deal with the very “hot” issue of the Christian view on homosexuality. In the context of the building pressure from the secular society, the recent development in the United States’ Supreme Court and the lawsuit against the Anglican Church that is coming up from a same sex couple in Britain, one can understand why the press was so eager to find out what the Pope had to say about it. The headlines wrote things like: Pope Francis: The end of ‘fortress Catholicism’, Pope’s gay tolerance no shock and so forth, implying that the Pope… Continue reading
Why would we? – Not accepting sin as normality
Anyone that drives on some of the major highways in DFW can see a number of bilboards carrying the logo: “Would Jesus discriminate?/Why would we”. The astonishing thing however, that almost made me loose control of the vehicle, is the big picture of Christ along with the words “Jesus affirmed a gay couple” Continue reading