The Great Confusion – reflections on the disruption of Gods order in our lives

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them (Gen 1:21)
The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them (Gen 1:21)

Last night I went to a talent show at my kids’ school. It was enjoyable to watch an entirely random blend of performances unfolding in front of a room full of parents eager to applaud at the slightest hint of aptitude showing on the stage. I know this because I was one of them. There really was true talent to applaud and, even when talent was not really present, there was a lot of courage to be praised.

The one thing that set… Continue reading

Spiritual paparazzi

The quest for catching a glimpse of God

paparazziThere is no secret for any one that I am a passionate amateur photographer. As any other photo enthusiast I get caught up into the quest for the best resolution camera, the clearest, low dispersion, aspherical glass and all the other bells and whistles of photography; all this to make sure that I will be able to capture the best image possible at any given time. My passion for capturing image is nothing particularly odd; on the contrary, I would argue, is a universal pursuit.

Man has a passion for images, for representations because he himself is an image, an image of God. So inherently we are searching for the image of the… Continue reading