Orthodox Books on Kindle

kindleI was very skeptic when Amazon has issued their “paper like” e-reader device.  Beside the technology shortcomings I was sure this would be used to promote airport bestsellers and other reading material ready for the intellectual garbage bin. However, I have to admit that the success of the device, which is nice by the way, has attracted some serious publishers… Continue reading

The virtual re-creation of the world

The virtual youReflections on technology and communion

My name is Vasile, I am addicted to technology and I am not the only one. So it can start a group therapy session at Technology Addiction Anonymous. And this is no fiction because technology penetrates our daily lives with an unstoppable force pushing us in a place where only the Continue reading

The Postmodern Truth of Resurrection

chora_lgAs citizens of the post-modern world we got so used to relative truth that we are quick to label any one that supports a fundamental truth of any kind as a fundamentalist. But there is no shame in upholding a fundamental truth. Imposing it on others yes, this could be a problem. But there is no evil in standing by it Continue reading

The Vanishing Pascha Multitudes

Pascha_multitudesIt is always uplifting to see the multitudes filling the Church for the beautiful services of Holy Week and Pascha. At this time most of the Churches seem too small to accommodate all the people wanting to receive God’s blessing. There is however one question that arises naturally: where are these people during the rest of the year? Continue reading

Love in times of recession

theotokos-eleussa“The LORD your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the LORD your God loved you.”

(Deu 23:5)

What makes our Christian religion unique is our concept of salvation. As Christians we have a Savior that loves us and in His love He comes down on Earth and saves us by

Gladsome Light Bookstore

We are proud to announce the opening of the Gladsome Light Bookstore.

We have prepared for you a large selection of books on Christian Orthodox Faith.

The proceeds will help the ministry of Gladsome Light Dialogues.

Our categories are:

  • Church History
  • Holy Fathers
  • Dogmatics
  • Biblical Study
  • On Family Life
  • Liturgics/Sacraments
  • Lives of the Saints
  • Desert Fathers
  • On Prayer
  • Ethics/Bioethics
  • Orthodox Psychotherapy
  • Canon Law
  • Contemporary Theology
  • Contemporary Fathers
  • Christian Art: Icons/Architecture
  • Byzantine Music
  • Video

We hope you will enjoy it! If you have any Continue reading