Why did the People of Israel Crucified Christ?

Christ's scourging at the pillar

Here is an interesting topic that I would like you engaged in as we approach Nativity. If Christ the Messiah was prophesied in the Old Testament and the people of Israel knew these prophecies how come that when He actually came they rather said: Crucify Him?

Here is a stichera from Holy Friday Matins that expresses this dilemma:

How does the lawless assembly kill the King of creation
Not remembering His gracious acts?
He even called them to remembrance saying:
What have I done to you my people?
Have I not worked wonders in all of Judea?
Have I not raised the dead by a word?
Have I not healed all manner of sickness?
How do you now reward me?
Why do you forget me?
For healing others you wound me!
For raising the dead you crucify me!
For being gracious you call me a thief!
For giving the law you call me lawless!
For being the king of creation you condemn me!
Long-suffering lord glory to you.

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One Reply to “Why did the People of Israel Crucified Christ?”

  1. I would say that the way He functioned among and with the people and His rather pure and simple but politically inefficient message (in view of the Jewish people expectations and understanding of His arrivals immediate historical significance) are to be considered. The leader figures of the Jews the Sinedrium members were ultimately the ones who instigated the masses and eventually cried out loudly the words of His crucifixion.

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